This system allocates slots on a first-come, first-served basis. Slots are limited, and your first choice will not always be available.
Users must provide accurate and correct personal information in this system and consent to the collection and use by the Philippine Government of such information and bio-metric data for the purpose of validation and checking.
Deliberate attempts to circumvent the system, or to secure slots for commercial and other illegal uses, is detrimental to the public service, and shall be grounds for disqualification from further use of the system, in addition to possible criminal or civil prosecution.
Email addresses that belong to domains,, and blocks our emails, please use an email address that does not belong to these email domains to receive our notifications and confirmations.
I have read and understood the instructions and information on this page, and agree to the Terms and Conditions on the use of this online appointment and scheduling system.
Dates will be deactivated if the schedule is full. Please be advised that your chosen time slot is reserved for 12 HOURS.